On 5/5/15, Yuri Astrakhan <yastrak...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Starting today, editors can use *<graph>* tag to include complex graphs and
> maps inside articles.
> *Demo:* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Graph/Demo
> *Vega's demo:* http://trifacta.github.io/vega/editor/?spec=scatter_matrix
> *Extension info:* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Graph
> *Vega's docs:* https://github.com/trifacta/vega/wiki
> *Bug reports:* https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/ - project tag #graph
> Graph tag support template parameter expansion. There is also a Graphoid
> service to convert graphs into images. Currently, Graphoid is used in case
> the browser does not support modern JavaScript, but I plan to use it for
> all anonymous users - downloading large JS code needed to render graphs is
> significantly slower than showing an image.
> Potential future growth (developers needed!):
> * Documentation and better tutorials
> * Visualize as you type - show changes in graph while editing its code
> * Visual Editor's plugin
> * Animation <https://github.com/trifacta/vega/wiki/Interaction-Scenarios>
> Project history: Exactly one year ago, Dan Andreescu (milimetric) and Jon
> Robson demoed Vega visualization grammar <https://trifacta.github.io/vega/>
> usage in MediaWiki. The project stayed dormant for almost half a year,
> until Zero team decided it was a good solution to do on-wiki graphs. The
> project was rewritten, and gained many new features, such as template
> parameters. Yet, doing graphs just for Zero portal seemed silly. Wider
> audience meant that we now had to support older browsers, thus Graphoid
> service was born.
> This project could not have happened without the help from Dan Andreescu,
> Brion Vibber, Timo Tijhof, Chris Steipp, Max Semenik,  Marko Obrovac,
> Alexandros Kosiaris, Jon Robson, Gabriel Wicke, and others who have helped
> me develop,  test, instrument, and deploy Graph extension and Graphoid
> service. I also would like to thank the Vega team for making this amazing
> library.
> --Yurik
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Hmm cool.

One of the interesting things, is you can use the API as a data
source. For example, here is a pie graph of how images on commons
needing categories are divided up
(One could even make that more general and have a template, which
given a cat name, would give a pie graph of how the subcategories are
divided in terms of number).


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