This is done, for now. It went pretty well! All services except for public labs DNS have been moved off of the old server.

I'll mop up DNS in the coming days; it shouldn't cause anything noticeable to end-users.

There is one thing to watch out for: The labs puppetmaster is now running on a Trusty box with a largely untested puppetmaster software. So if your puppet runs go all goofy, please follow up with me or open a phab task.


On 6/9/15 3:29 PM, Andrew Bogott wrote:
This window was delayed a bit, but I will be starting this in a minute or two.

On 6/8/15 3:47 PM, Andrew Bogott wrote:
Tomorrow I'm going to make another attempt at switching us over to a new labs controller host. That won't break anything for running labs instances, but it will probably have some or all of the following effects on wikitech users:

1)  Wikitech will go into maintenance mode
2)  Wikitech sessions will end and you'll have to re-log in
3)  New logins may fail (briefly, if the keystone switch goes poorly)
4)  Instance creation/deletion and status queries may fail

I'll send an 'all clear' after this switch is finished or abandoned.


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