
MediaWiki-Codesniffer 0.4.0 is now available for use in your MediaWiki
extensions and other projects. Here are the notable changes since the
last release (0.3.0):

* Use upstream codesniffer 2.3.4 (Kunal Mehta & Paladox)
* Sniff to check for space in single line comments (Smriti.Singh)
* Automatically fix warnings caught by SpaceyParenthesisSniff (Kunal Mehta)
* Automatically fix warnings caught by SpaceAfterControlStructureSniff
(Kunal Mehta)
* Add ignore list to PrefixedGlobalFunctionsSniff (Vivek Ghaisas)
* Add ignore list to ValidGlobalNameSniff (Vivek Ghaisas)
* Update jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint to 0.9.* (Paladox)
* Automatically fix warnings caught by SpaceBeforeSingleLineCommentSniff
(Kunal Mehta)

In this release we started working on automatically fixing errors using
phpcbf (PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer). Support for that is still
experimental and should be considered alpha quality.

-- Legoktm

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