Congratulations for these big "process" steps - great!


On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Gabriel Wicke <> wrote:

> In the last weeks we have been exploring ways to improve our technical
> consensus building and decision making process. I wrote a short RFC
> [1] describing some issues, and proposed to adopt ideas from the Rust
> community [2] to address them. The discussion on the task and in an
> IRC meeting showed broad support for the proposals.
> In yesterday's architecture committee meeting, we decided to adopt
> much of the Rust RFC decision making process [3] on a trial basis.
> Concretely, this means:
> - We will nominate a member of the architecture committee as a
> shepherd, guiding an active RFC through the process. Among other
> things, the shepherd is responsible for informing all relevant
> stakeholders of the ongoing discussion on the task. The shepherd might
> also lead an IRC discussion on the RFC, which will be summarized on
> the task.
> - Once the discussion on a task plateaus or stalls, the shepherd (in
> coordination with the RFC author(s)) announces and widely publicizes a
> "Final Comment Period", which is one week.
> - At the end of the "Final Comment Period", the architecture committee
> decides based on the points made in the RFC discussion, and justifies
> its decision based on the overall project principles and priorities.
> If any new facts or aspects are surfaced in this discussion, a new
> Final Comment Period needs to be started before making a decision.
> For now, we are holding off on the second part of the RFC, the
> introduction of working groups. There is agreement that we need to
> broaden the involvement and scale the process, but the details of how
> are still under discussion.
> Gabriel
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
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