This has happened today, with about 24 hours delay. Sorry about that.

The maintenance is over and servers and service is back up.

We had to intervene a tiny bit with a manual fix to start redis, but i see
the service running and some connectings again.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Daniel Zahn <> wrote:

> Hello,
> to anyone who is a client of
> (, so people who run tools
> relying on the RC stream.
> In about 48 hours, on February 3rd at 20:00 UTC, we will have to reboot
> the backend servers of the service, rcs1001 and 1002.
> This service is loadbalanced and we will only reboot the 2 servers one at
> a time,
> so there should be no service downtime.
> But nevertheless your clients will get disconnected and may need your
> intervention to reconnect.
> Please be prepared to do so if your client will not automatically
> reconnect.
> I will send another mail once this has happened.
> Best regards,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel Zahn <>
> Operations Engineer

Daniel Zahn <>
Operations Engineer
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