On Friday, April 15, 2016, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:
> Max Semenik wrote:
>>Right now, MediaWiki has 2 pure-PHP engines to produce diffs (there's also
>>a native PHP extension wikidiff2, but we're not discussing it right now):
>>* DairikiDiff is what everybody uses, and
>>* Wikidiff3, and alternative implementation by Guy Van den Broeck that was
>>around for 8 years but required a configuration change
>>While less battle-tested, Wikidiff3 offers vastly improved performance on
>>heavy diffs compared to DairikiDiff. The price, however, is that it makes
>>certain shortcuts if the diff is too complex. I ran through 100K diffs
>>from English Wikipedia, and 6% of diffs were different. Lots of changes
>>were seemingly insignificant but I need your help with determining if
>>it's really so.
> Is there a related Phabricator Maniphest task about this? I'm not sure I
> understand the motivation for making a switch. I would think that heavy
> diffs are a very small portion of traffic.
> MZMcBride

I think optimizing the worst case performance makes sense, especially if we
dont really lose anything in doing so.

To clarify, this is just for third parties, right? Wmf uses wikidiff2.

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