Tonights RFC session on #wikimedia-office will be about "Overhaul Interwiki 
map, unify with Sites and WikiMap", see

The meeting will start at 21:00 UTC <

We have talked about overhauling interwiki before. Today, I would like to 
revisit the topic, look at the current state of things, and discuss next steps 
and open questions:

* Please review: //factor storage logic out of Interwiki// <https://> (I7d7424345)
Next Steps
* split CDB from SQL implementation
* implement array-based InterwikiLookup (loads from multiple JSON or PHP 
   * indexes should be generated on the fly, if not present in the loaded data
   * proposed structure: P3044
   * that InterwikiLookup implementation should also implement SiteLookup. 
Alternatively, only implement SiteLookup, and provide an adapter 
(SiteLookupInterwikiLookup) that implements InterwikiLookup on top of a 
* implement maintenance script that can convert between different interwiki 
  * use InterwikiLookup for (multipke) input sources (db/files), 
InterwikiStore for output
  * we want an InterwikiStore that can write the new array structure (as JSON 
or PHP)
  * we want an InterwikiStore that can write the old CDB structure (as CDB or 
* Provide a config variable for specifying which files to read interwiki info 
from. If not set, use old settings and old interwiki storage.

* is this a good plan? (see below for rationale)
* how does interwiki/site info relate to local wiki config (wgConf/SiteMatrix/
* should all information always be loaded? (see also {T114772})
* do we need caching?
* do we need to support new features also for the SQL based InterwikiLookup?
  * needs: interwiki_ids table, interwiki_groups table, and blob field with 
JSON or an interwiki_props table.
* Should SiteMatrix continue to work based on wgConf, or should it be ported 
to use Sites? Or combine both? Currently it has [[https://|problems]] with Wikimedia-specific 
configurations, e.g. for [[
Special_language_codes|special language codes]].
* decide on how wikis on the WMF cluster should load their interwiki config
  * proposal: three files: family (shared by e.g. all wikipedias), language 
(shared by e.g. all english wikis), and local.
* create a script that generates the family, language, and local files for all 
the wikis (as JSON or PHP) based on config. Should work like dumpInterwiki.
  * check this: generating CDB based on the relevant family/language/local 
file for a given wiki should return the same CDB as dumpInterwiki for that 
* create a deployment process that generates PHP files from the checked-in 
JSON files, for faster loading. 
* action=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap could be ported to Sites and expose more 
information. Distinction from SiteMatrix is becoming somewhat unclear then.

Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer

Wikimedia Deutschland
Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.

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