Hello Seattleite! There are some Wikimedians, many with technology
backrounds, who meet in the Seattle area. Please join our mailing list:

I think that your existing skill set might fit well with WMF's interests in
mobile apps and mobile web. To get started there, I'd like to suggest that
you introduce yourself on the Mobile mailing list:

Welcome aboard,

On May 18, 2016 13:42, "Ty Landercasper" <wiki.nos...@ibudesigns.com> wrote:

>         I'm a self employed programmer who's taking a bit of time off from
> his
> current project as a way to gain some fresh perspective and I thought I'd
> use that free time to help out a community I really appreciate. Wikipedia
> is
> one of the best things the internet has to offer and it has certainly
> helped
> me out a bunch of times, so it seemed like the place to volunteer.
>         My problem is that is that I haven't done any sort of collaborative
> opensource project before, (the closest I've come to opensource is writing
> the compare plugin for Notepad++), and I'm not entirely sure what the best
> way to go about it is.
>         I was wondering if someone there is willing to play the role of
> onboarding
> manager. You know, show me the ropes, assign some good relevant tasks to
> get
> a feel for things, the standard stuff. I'd really appreciate it, and I know
> I can contribute a lot to the community once I get on my feet.
>         As for my skill set, while I don't have a lot of experience with
> PHP, I do
> have a lot of experience with just about everything else. I've done game
> development, mobile development, web development and even some good old
> fashioned desktop development, (not that anyone still uses desktop apps). I
> have no doubt that I can pick up the language quickly enough and I'm sure
> Google (the great teacher of all things) will help me figure out the rest.
>         I'm attaching my resume, so that you can get a feel for my
> experience.
> (Plus it just seems like the thing to do in this situation.)
> I'm looking forward to getting started!
> Ty Landercasper
> t...@ibudesigns.com
>         I'm one of those programmers who got into it for the love of
> programming
> and it shows. I've programmed on everything from the TI-83 to the Xbox 360,
> and if there's a skill I don't have than all I need is an excuse to learn
> it
> and I will. I turned a hobby project into a business that supported me for
> several years so I've learned a lot about how to make an amazing product
> that succeeds even in the ruthless market that is the app store, as well as
> the softer skills that you need to run a business.
> I'm looking for a good home. A start up or a startup like environment where
> there's more work than time and everyone has to wear multiple hats, and
> figure out how to get things done and even what can be done, because those
> are the environments that I thrive in.
>         Visual Studio, C#,C++, Java, C, Visual Basic
>         4+ years iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile development
>         Unity, Flash, Actionscript 2.0, ActionScript 3.0, Flex framework,
> Silverlight
>         ASP.NET, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Javascript, JSP
>         Thirteen years experience with .NET
> Owner Pixelality, Seattle, WA (7/14 to present)
>         Created The Virtual Window a device that keeps track of your head
> and turns
> your TV into a realistic window!
>         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlEwnG-9O8A
>         Used Kinect and Wii-mote based tracking
>         Modified Unreal Engine to support Off-axis projection
>         Used computer vision code to anaylize a video stream and find the
> head.
> Owner SupportStream, Seattle, WA (4/15 to present)
>         https://supportstream.solutions/Supportee
>         Funding model that allows people to donate a dollar a month to
> their
> favorite charities, artists or other things they care about.
>         Created Marketing campaign that will eventually be used to drive
> donators
> to help their favorite causes : https://supportstream.solutions/
>         ASP.NET backend.
>         Paypal integration for payments. Went through the application
> process for
> advanced functionality.
>         Cross-Site scripting with iframes
>         Used JQuery for animations and popups.
>         Custom designed logo and various CSS changes
> Contractor Big Finish Games (not Big Fish), Salt Lake City, UT (12/13 to
> 3/14)
>         Programmed puzzles for the continuation of my all time favorite
> video game!
>         Scripted both 2D and 3D puzzles using Unity and C#
> Owner Comic Reader Mobi, Seattle, WA (4/09 to present)
>         http://comicreader.mobi
>         Software allows fullsized comics to be read on small screens
>         Several unique and intuitive UI features to make using the program
> easier.
> (Clicking on text to have it pop out. Realistic page turn effect when
> dragging from sides. Drag page down from top to access controls)
>         Automatically detects text in image and pops out when touched
> (patent pending)
>         Out for the iPhone, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Android, Windows
> Phone 7,
> Linux, PC and Mac OS X (Even have a prototype for the Xbox 360!)
>         Original version built from scratch for each platform.
>         Latest version uses .NET/Mono technology to share code base among
> all the
> devices (Except blackberry)
>         Was one of the top 100 grossing ipad apps
>         Created Silverlight version which allows you to demo the app
> without buying it
>         Reviewed on Gizmodo!
> http://gizmodo.com/5511926/best-ipad-comic-reader-comic-zeal-vs-comic-reader-mobi
>         Implemented effective piracy prevention for iPhone version.
>         Resolution independent code scales to any screen size
>         Modified jpeg reader to handle large progressive jpegs on low
> memory devices
>         Built an entire object oriented UI library from scratch to ease
> multiplatform development
> Mobile Developer Inrix, Seattle, WA (7/13 to 1/14)
>         Developed parts of the Inrix Traffic app for both iPhone and
> Android platforms.
>         Built a prototype turn by turn navigation system for the app.
> Mobile Developer Pulsar Informatics, Seattle, WA (2/12 to 5/13)
>         Lead developer for app for iphone and Android that helped keep
> track of
> sleep and brain performance.
>         Software was used by International Space Station, Fedex, Navy, and
> Department of Transportation for sleep and alertness studies.
>         Worked with Bluetooth LE connectivity.
> Flash Developer Microsoft, Seattle, WA (10/08 to 4/09)
>         Wrote commercial websites in flash to advertise various products.
>         Lead Developer for site: http://theguysmanual.msn.com/
>         Converted artistic vision into functional website
> Software Engineer Interactive Alchemy, Phoenix, AZ (1/06 to 6/08)
>         Flypaper: (http://www.flypaper.net)
>         Won “The Viagra Award for Performance Enhancement Under Pressure”
>         Full software release cycle. From prototype to final build.
>         Improved “Story Map” layout performance from several seconds to
> instant by
> rewriting the layout algorithm.
>         Cut page load times in half by creating a custom C#/Flash socket
> connection
>         Wrote “Single Swf” implementation, which dynamically injects files
> into a
> precompiled swf.
>         Wrote pure AJAX pager for website, which allows near instant page
> changes
>         Used XAML to allow the program to render content off the website
> as if  it
> were a winforms application
>         Constantly worked with several different languages (Javascript, C#,
> ActionScript) on a daily basis, depending on the required task
>         Modified network site to use NTLM/forms authentication, so network
> users
> didn’t have to log in, but allowed outside users to continue using the
> Forms
> sign in
>         Used double buffering, caching and other GDI tricks to
> significantly
> improve the speed and appearance of the application
>         Extended many winforms controls to have new look and feel
>         Wrote memory file management system, preventing the need  to write
> files to
> a temporary location
>          Wrote custom logging for Flash application, dramatically
> simplifying
> debugging problems on clients machines
>         Used ASP.NET’s URL rewriting to share common files among several
> different
> Flash applications
>         Worked with clients on several projects which often required the
> modification of unfamiliar and undocumented code
>         Interviewed several applicants for both the product and web teams
> Programmer      FLEXfone – Brussels, Belgium (6/03 to 12/05)
>     FlexVoIP: (http://www.flexfone.net/flexvoip/prodinfo.html)
>         Client side is written in C#, server is written in ASP.NET, MySQL
> database
>         Makes use of alpha blending in order to allow the customer to
> change colors
> of almost any item.
>         Automatically updates itself on startup
>             NetGuardian: (http://www.ibudesigns.com/NetGuardian.ppt)
>         Client side is written in C#, server is written in ASP.NET using
> C#
>         Multilingual support
> Open source Projects:
>         Notepad++: Compare Plugin
>  (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/download.php)
>         Shows the differences between two documents
>         Written in C++
>         Highlights and aligns added, deleted, modified, and moved lines
>         Included in version 4.8 and higher
> The University of Arizona – Tucson, Arizona
> Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, December 2003
> Minor in Mathematics and Japanese
> Computer Science GPA: 3.424 Overall GPA: 3.035
>         Team leader for project to program the game Qubic
>         Graduated in 3.5 years
>         Awarded the Charles Blixt Scholarship
> BattleSharp: (http://www.ibudesigns.com/BattleSharp.zip)
>         Uses unsafe code to directly access memory in order to speed up
> rendering
>         Peer to peer mode allows players to play each other over a lan
> Qubic: (http://www.ibudesigns.com/Qubic/)
>         Written as a Java applet
>         Pseudo 3d rotating grid
>         Server side software allows online multiplayer matches
>                 Graphics Renderer: (http://www.ibudesigns.com/Graphics.png
> )
>         Basic graphics engine
>         Renders parallelepipeds (blocks and cubes) and spheres.
>         Implements shading, basic, diffuse, and specular lighting and
> raytracing
> _______________________________________________
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> Wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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