> * In a big session on services-oriented architectures, a lot of time was
> spent theorizing about what small wikis who do their hosting on
> shared-hosting services do, and whether various solutions we were proposing
> would make it easier or harder for these non-WMF users of mediawiki.  *But
> none of these users were at the summit.*  So no decisions could ultimately
> be made, as the necessary affected parties were not present.

I don't think that would change, regardless of what we do. Even if we
have more users at the summit, its not going to be a representative
sample of every type of user we have. I don't think its reasonable to
assume that just because a usecase isn't represented at the summit
that it doesn't exist. Anyone taking the time out of their day to
travel all the way to a MediaWiki event, is probably a power user, and
thus this will bias the representation of users at the summit.

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