
I use Pywikibot compat (the old version), which is now broken, and nobody
wants to correct it. So I tried to to it myself.
The error is with the API login.

The original method (which worked previously) is:
                'action': 'login',
                'lgname': self.username,
                'lgpassword': self.password,
With this I get an error. Thr resulting data strucure has a warnings key,
and I printed the value of warnings:

{u'login': {u'*': u'Fetching a token via action=login is deprecated. Use
action=query&meta=tokens&type=login instead.'}}
Then I went to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Login.
Here is stated something completely else:

So which one is right? What is the next step?

My wiki is Hungarian Wikipedia.

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