
On Thu, 2016-09-08 at 14:13 +0700, Arif Hidayat wrote:
> I am Arif Hidayat from UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Pekanbaru. I've learn
> about cms. I so interest about developing cms especially mediawiki.
> My favorite programming language is php but I can use java programming and
> other component of website like css and js.
> I hope can submit my google summer of code proposal to mediawiki project.
> Thanks

Thanks for your early interest.
Glad to hear you'd like to get involved!

We don't have any information about GSoC 2017 yet but you could get an
impression by looking at the page for GSoC 2016 at
and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Outreach_programs for general info
on workflows and expectations for GSoC, Outreachy and other programs.

About technical contributions in general, have you taken a look at
already? It explains how to set up your testing environment, how to
find good "easy" tasks to start with, how to check out code via Git,
how to submit patches via Gerrit, recommendations for communication,
and best places where to ask any questions you might have.

Hope that helps for the start? If not, tell us!

Looking forward to your contributions! :)


Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler

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