==== Mobile Content Service ====
* Deployed:
    * Added more testing of response formats.
    * Removed hard-coded blacklist for most-read. Now using a more dynamic
way to filter out  pages that should not appear in the list of most-read
* Working on figuring out a short-term and medium-term solution for too
small thumbnails for TFA and POTD in feed. (Once we get a better thumbnail
API then we would be eager to switch to that, of course.)

   - Extra info: The cause of this problem is that now summary data
   (including a thumbnail) for the feed gets hydrated using the details from
   the /page/summary endpoint, and that is currently always capping the
   thumbnail size to 320px. A potential medium-term solution would be to
   increase the thumnails size cap in the  summary endpoint from 320px to
   640px and have the clients change the thumbnail URLs to have the size
   capped to at most 320px for the items the client is showing at a smaller
   size (trending, link previews, ...).

* Current sprint (
    * Continuing Q2 goals for Wikidata descriptions
    * Beta coming soon
    * Cleaned up lots of little tech debts
    * Fix some UI bugs and memory leaks
* Next sprint:
    * More Q2 goals for Wikidata descriptions (mostly polish)
* Current sprint:

   - * Hovercards re-write

   - * Page images API change to return free and non-free images

   - * Bugfixes

   - * Trending service

* Next sprint:
    * Similar to current sprint
    * Also tech debt
* Last week:

   - * In the news - bug fixes, UI updates, & tweaks to notification
   scheduling logic

   - * Fixed remaining issues from persistance layer update

   - * Finished first pass of accessibility changes - VoiceOver
   improvements for the explore feed & both widgets

* This week:
    * More 5.3.0 beta feedback & fixes
    * Add donation announcement card to the news feed
    * Set up nightly alpha builds and investigate speedup of automated
tests run on each pull request

==== Reading Infrastructure ====
* Not blocking/blocked
* finishing up action API error localization and pageview data integration
(T47843, T144865)
* planning to deploy the latter with PageViewInfo extension in first week
of December

=== Discovery: Interactive Team ===
* Launching <mapframe> on ruwiki today
* Shared multilingual tabular and map data on Commons is on beta cluster,
getting ready for launch, hopefully within 1-2 weeks
** Posted on wikitech-l, FB, T134426
** Demo: and

=== Community Tech === // Sorry, I won't be able to make it to the meeting
* Started with the wishlist survey this week:
** Urge everyone to take a look and comment on proposals relevant to their
field of expertise
* Starting to work on updating CentralAuth migration scripts to populate
the additional fields added for global watchlist.
* Work continues, albeit a little slowly, on the ticket for sending a
cookie with each block to prevent abuse:
** Can use more reviews:
** Eventlogging for the feature:
* French copypatrol version ready to be deployed, waiting for Eranbot to
start getting data (i.e. plagiarized edit records) for frwiki

===Wikidata / WMDE===
* more work on automated sitelinks for Wiktionary (Cognate extension)
* Wikibase Repo federation / foreign repo access (for Wiktionary and
Commons support)
* RevisionSlider - out of beta (feature) for German and Arabic Wikipedia on Nov
22 (per community request)
* ElectronPDF
** extension had security review, we addressed the issues and wait for
review again
** depends on service to be deployed (it's also in security review)

== Technology ==
=== Analytics ===
* Blockers: none
* Blocked: none
    ** Hiring: an offer is about to be made to a candidate, we continue to
review new candidates
    ** MediaWiki History (edits, users, pages, all projectws except commons
and wikisources) is being vetted, results seem good if not very good.
    *** Varnishkafka errors are down to a not-yet-seen level with Varnish4.
Thanks Luca and the traffic team for the thorough work.

=== Architecture / ArchCom ===

=== Release Engineering ===
* Blocking
* Blocked
* Updates
** 1.28 rc.1 today
** Help squash boogz!

=== Security ===
* Security Reviews
  * Linter extension
* Continued work on CSRF mitigation for anons (
* Reviewing patch to login workflow (
* Repairing OpenVAS scanning for FrTech
* OATHAuth
  * Deployed extension on all private wikis
  * Deployed account prefix configuration in production (
* Password Handling
  * Increased password length for bots to eight characters (
  * Strengthened password requirements for Abuse filter editors (
  * Strengthened password requirements for all users on private wikis (

=== Services ===
* Blockers: none
* Updates: nothing big, tech debt and small improvements
    ** Working on improving CORS and redirection support in RESTBase:
    ** Electron PDF Rendering Service passed security review - preparing
for deployment.

=== Technical Operations ===
* Blocked:
** None
* Blocking:
** None
* Updates:
** Container registry implemented for our kubernetes goal. It will be read
only of course.
** labsdbs setup and provisioned
** ulsfo and codfw are varnish 4
** gallium is no more (Big thank you to releng!)
** Got plans to deploy the Trending Edits Service by the end of November
(with Services)

=== Performance ==
* Blocked
** Operations code review on Thumbor
** Consensus/Dev summit to unlock further work on active/active DC project
(etcd, session storage, varnish, etc.)
* Blocking:
** None
* Updates:
** Ori is a volunteer now
** Decision about team management still pending
** UCMini in speed mode "blacklisting" to be treated as grade C browser
** Working through resource limiting on Thumbor (issue where IM consumes
huge amounts of disk due to lack of limit)
** Investigation on frontend performance regression merged, to investigate
if people opening tabs in background tabs are responsible for spike in
higher percentiles after recent change

=== Fundraising Tech ===
* Bugfixing, log quieting
* Fixing offline donation imports and mailing list exports
* Still puzzling over CentralNotice bug
** patch:
** bug:
* Testing more streamlined mobile donation flows

=== Editing ===
==== Collaboration ====
* Flow in multi datacenters: merge and test this week, release next week
* Flow beta feature: fixing broken user pages before re-enabling the beta
feature, no ETA for all pages to be fixed
* ERI ReviewStream: agreement with Services about way to go and next steps
* ERI Special:RecentChanges: new filters in Core, new UI in the making
* Blocking or blocked: none
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