Ya, this is why I haven't done it.

Also, I should be able to set it up such that TFA is not necessary
until my account attempts to do an admin action.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Florence Devouard <fdevou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I had the super bad idea of implementing the two-factor authentication and
> now I need help :)
> The system is not "recording" me as registered. Which means that I am
> disconnected every once in a while. Roughly every 15 minutes... and every
> time I change project (from Wikipedia to Commons etc.)
> Which means that every 15 minutes, I need to relogin... retype login and
> password... grab my phone... wake it up... launch the app... get the
> number... enter it... validate... OK, good to go for 15 minutes...
> So... how do I fix that ?
> Thanks
> Florence
> Le 16/11/2016 à 10:57, Tim Starling a écrit :
>> Since Friday, we've had a slow but steady stream of admin account
>> compromises on WMF projects. The hacker group OurMine has taken credit
>> for these compromises.
>> We're fairly sure now that their mode of operation involves searching
>> for target admins in previous user/password dumps published by other
>> hackers, such as the 2013 Adobe hack. They're not doing an online
>> brute force attack against WMF. For each target, they try one or two
>> passwords, and if those don't work, they go on to the next target.
>> Their success rate is maybe 10%.
>> When they compromise an account, they usually do a main page
>> defacement or similar, get blocked, and then move on to the next target.
>> Today, they compromised the account of a www.mediawiki.org admin, did
>> a main page defacement there, and then (presumably) used the same
>> password to log in to Gerrit. They took a screenshot, sent it to us,
>> but took no other action.
>> So, I don't think they are truly malicious -- I think they are doing
>> it for fun, fame, perhaps also for their stated goal of bringing
>> attention to poor password security.
>> Indications are that they are familiarising themselves with MediaWiki
>> and with our community. They probably plan on continuing to do this
>> for some time.
>> We're doing what we can to slow them down, but admins and other users
>> with privileged access also need to take some responsibility for the
>> security of their accounts. Specifically:
>> * If you're an admin, please enable two-factor authentication.
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/H:2FA>
>> * Please change your password, if you haven't already changed it in
>> the last week. Use a new password that is not used on any other site.
>> * Please do not share passwords across different WMF services, for
>> example, between the wikis and Gerrit.
>> (Cross-posted to wikitech-l and wikimedia-l, please copy/link
>> elsewhere as appropriate.)
>> -- Tim Starling
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