On Sat, 02 Sep 2017 02:06:09 +0000, Chad<innocentkil...@gmail.com>  wrote,
(3) I would*really*  like to have 2--maybe 3--browsers to list. There's
zero reason to make users think there's only one option when there's a
couple of valid ones.

I would love that too. Imagine that we do take the step and start promoting 
"alone" to legacy users. I "suspect" the first reaction of a user who doesn't
take the time to realise we're promoting an open-source movement while trying to
help them get rid of their legacy browser to be,

   "I thought Wikipedia doesn't show ads/promotions. Seems they have
   changed their motive of "Not showing ads for revenue"! May be they'll
   be showing more ads in the future. ARRRGGHHH!"

That might be a little over boasted, though! In order to avoid such reactions 
how about
recommending Firefox in the pop-up/central notice and linking to a list of 
other good
browsers to show we aren't promoting /advertising browsers. For the list of 
other browsers
we could link to https://browsehappy.com

To address this,

On Fri Sep 1 13:55:19 UTC 2017, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemow...@gmail.com> wrote,
-1 to linking any resource which is not itself free software,
translatable with free software and managed by a privacy-compliant org.

I guess browsehappy is at least open source.



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