On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Jérémie Roquet <jroq...@arkanosis.net> wrote:
> Dear Quim,
> 2017-10-13 12:40 GMT+02:00 Quim Gil <q...@wikimedia.org>:
>> TLDR: Please give this a try, subscribe, and forward the link to other
>> mailing lists or projects: https://www.mediawiki.org/
>> wiki/Newsletter:Tech_Showcase.
>> The simplest and easiest way to know
>> about interesting software being developed by staff or volunteers for our
>> readers and our contributors.
>> No tech knowledge needed and no time commitment required either. You will
>> just receive one sentence notifications linking to the fresh software
>> showcased.
> Thank you!
> Do you think it would be possible somehow to receive the actual
> content, either by RSS (preferred) or by email (fine as well)?
> Here, I'm getting an email with only a link to a newsletter with only
> a link to the actual content. That's two levels of indirection with
> little information on what the notification is about, nor any way to
> easily keep the content at hand for reading later.
> We had a discussion about the ambassadors' announce format a few
> months ago (was it with Benoît or Johan? I think Benoît, but I'm not
> sure) and I already underlined how the mailing-list and RSS formats
> currently in use were great for people who have to deal with hundreds
> of notifications per week.
> I understand that this would mean more work for whoever writes the
> newsletter and that the mediawiki newsletter extension may not yet
> provide a way to send more content than just a title, so I'd be
> perfectly fine with a negative answer. I just want to draw attention
> to the the added cost to access the information.
> Thanks again and best regards,

These are definitely features that would be possible to implement in
Newsletter extension. Of course someone would have to do them, and I
don't think very many people are working on the extension right now.

The RSS part already has a bug
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T173041 . I'd suggest filing a bug
for the better email notice part.


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