Hello all!

Here are the minutes from this week's meeting:

* Marko Obrovac joined the Technical Committee. We are looking forward to
working with him. Welcome Marko!

* Last Call: RFC on imported user names
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T179832>. After the public discussion on
November 15, it was agreed that this RFC should enter the last call period. If
no pertinent concerns remain unaddressed by November 29, this RFC will be
approved for implementation.

* Next week’s RFC discussion: Bump PHP requirement to 7.0 in MW 1.31
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T172165>. This is a reiteration of the RFC
discussion from a few weeks ago, which ended with a last call for the proposal
to go to PHP 5.6 for MW 1.31. The last call did not lead to approval, due to a
suggestion made by Anomie, namely to go for a subset of PHP 7 that is supposed
by hhvm in default mode, without the PHP7 flag set.

As always, the discussion will take place in the IRC channel
#wikimedia-office on Wednesday, at 2pm PST / 23:00 CET / 22:00 UTC.

* Roan is experimenting with RemexHTML for tag stripping

You can also find our meeting minutes at

See also the TechCom RFC board

Daniel Kinzler
Principal Platform Engineer

Wikimedia Deutschland
Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.

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