On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 11:07 AM Daniel Kinzler <daniel.kinz...@wikimedia.de>

> Am 07.12.2017 um 19:48 schrieb Chad:
> > Basically the short version is: exceptions should only be shown to users
> in
> > the situation of *actual software errors*. They're the exception, not the
> > norm. What we *should* do in such situation is log the error (at the
> > ERROR/WARNING/etc level as appropriate) and then gracefully fall back.
> I agree with the idea, but I'd like to point out that log-and-fall-back
> should
> *not* be the normal way to handle things, IMHO.
> Let's take for example an invalid title. If a user supplied an invalid
> title,
> they should get a helpful error. There is no reason to even log this,
> really.
> This should be done by code that expects to handle user input, and can
> involve
> throwing and catching exceptions, or be handled some other way.
We're on the same page here. It doesn't inherently need to be logged,
that's why I qualified it with "as appropriate." If it's something where
the user just typed something bogus, we should return a helpful error to
them and move on. And the emphasis in what you say here *really* needs to
be on CATCHING the exception. Throwing with no catch is what's evil :)

> Code that does not expect raw user input usually SHOULD thrown an
> InvalidArgumentException if it gets invalid input, though! Something went
> wrong,
> so we should fail fast & safe!
Indeed, I have no qualms with this. The point I'm making is on
user-generated actions.

> We should however improve how we show exceptions to users. We have "nicer"
> handling for MWException than for other exceptions. I can think of no good
> reason for this distinction - can't we do the nicer handling for all
> exceptions?
Because our exception handling code is crap. Nobody's had the cycles to
work on it. Volunteers welcome ;-)

MWException is *very* heavy weight, and sadly doesn't let us use native PHP
extensions that make more sense. InvalidArgumentException is descriptive,
MWException is not. And a MWInvalidArgumentException that extends
MWException just to be descriptive seems overkill.

In an ideal world: we don't need MWException at all, or else it becomes a
lightweight wrapper exception for any other type on demand. I'm thinking
something like

throw MWException( 'InvalidArgumentException' )

Who knows?

> The log-and-fall-back case should be quite rare, and be reserved for
> compatibility code - compatibility with old data, in particular. So
> perhaps the
> invalid title comes from the page or the pagelinks table - that's
> unexpected,
> but not impossible: someone may have fiddled with $wgLegalTitleChars,
> rendering
> once-valid titles invalid. So in that case, log-and-fall-back is the
> correct
> behavior.
Indeed. Not all bad behavior needs logging (or sometimes, just at a
DEBUG/INFO level because data is nice but yelling at log watchers is not).

Details all tbd, but I don't think you and I disagree here much at all :)

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