I agree with this. Splitting the deprecation phan issues out to a separate
non-voting job sounds like a good idea (and should be easily supported by
phan with its issue whitelist/blacklist config directive)

Ideally we would have a phan plugin that generates warnings for hard
deprecations (wfDeprecated()), so that those could be voting.


On Tuesday, December 19, 2017, James Hare <jamesmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m not entirely familiar with how we use Phan, but if it’s like the
other tests we run with Gerrit, what we could do is have a test for
deprecated APIs that passes or fails as you might expect, but have it be a
non-voting test. This way a failure is a signal to check something out, but
it doesn’t stop the build altogether.
>> On Dec 19, 2017, at 10:01 AM, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@wikimedia.org>
>> Hi!
>> I've noticed a certain problem in our workflow that I'd like to discuss.
>> From time to time, we deprecate certain APIs in core or extensions. The
>> idea of deprecation is that we have gradual transition - existing code
>> keeps working, and we gradually switch to the new API over time, instead
>> of removing old API at one sweep and breaking all the existing code.
>> This is the theory, and it is solid.
>> Also, we have phan checks on the CI builds, which prevent us from using
>> deprecated APIs. Right now if phan detects deprecated API, it fails the
>> build.
>> Now, combining this produces a problem - if somebody deprecates an API
>> that I use anywhere in my extension (and some extensions can be rather
>> big and use a lot of different APIs), all patches to that extension
>> immediately have their builds broken - including all those patches that
>> have nothing to do with the changed API. Of course, the easy way is just
>> to add @suppress and phan shuts up - but that means, the deprecated
>> function is completely off the radar, and nobody probably would remember
>> to look at it again ever.
>> I see several issues here with this workflow:
>> 1. Deprecation breaks unrelated patches, so I have no choice but to shut
>> it up if I want to continue my work.
>> 2. It trains me that the reaction to phan issues should be to add
>> @suppress - which is the opposite of what we want to happen.
>> 3. The process kind of violates the spirit of what deprecation is about
>> - existing code doesn't keep working without change, at least as far as
>> the build is concerned, and constantly @suppress-ing phan diminishes the
>> value of having those checks in the first place.
>> I am not sure what would be the best way to solve this, so I'd like to
>> hear some thoughts on this from people. Do you also think it is a
>> problem or it's just me? What would be the best way to improve it?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Stas Malyshev
>> smalys...@wikimedia.org
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