I have just merged the "stretch-migration" feature branch to master
for MediaWiki-Vagrant.

Major changes:
* Debian Stretch (Debian 9) base image
* Default PHP runtime is Zend PHP 7.0 (HHVM available via role)
* Database is MariaDB 10.1
* Puppet 4

Once you update your local MediaWiki-Vagrant clone to 59e3b49c or
later you will need to create a new VM based on the Debian Stretch
base image in order to use `vagrant provision`. Upgrading your local
VM may be as easy as using `vagrant destroy` to delete the current VM
followed by `vagrant up` to make a new one. Note that this will *not*
save the contents of any local wikis in the VM. You will need to
manually backup and restore the databases or export and import pages
you have created.

See <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T181353> for more information
and a few known open bugs.

I have also created a jessie-compat branch that can by used by users
who are not ready to destroy their current Jessie based virtual
machines and start over with Stretch. A simple `git checkout -b
jessie-compat` should be all that is needed to switch your local
MediaWiki-Vagrant clone to the new compatibility branch. This branch
will probably receive few updates, so you are encouraged to create new
Stretch based VMs soon.

Bryan Davis              Wikimedia Foundation    <bd...@wikimedia.org>
[[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]] Manager, Cloud Services          Boise, ID USA
irc: bd808                                        v:415.839.6885 x6855

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