
this is an announcement to let you know that the service ($lang).
planet.wikimedia.org, an RSS feed aggregator for all Wikimedia related
blogs, has switched software.

You can find the English version at  https://en.planet.wikimedia.org/

Other existing languages are listed on

Today we moved away from planet-venus and to a newer package called
"rawdog" that does the same thing as before, fetching a bunch of RSS feed
and combining them into a single page and feed.

The reason is that planet-venus has been dropped in Debian stable (stretch)
because it was unmaintained, so we had to find an alternative to be able to
upgrade the underlying servers to a current OS version.

If you never heard of planet, here you can find more info:


If you already use it but just subscribe to the "feed of feeds" then
nothing should change for you.

(Though note that we support RSS 2.0 but not a separate Atom feed anymore.
We are redirecting the old atom.xml URL to the new (and old) URL rss20.xml.)

If you already use it and look at the web UI, enjoy the new theme that
Paladox imported from KDE to make it look about 150% better than before.
(thanks to him for that theming work!)

We also applied patches to make it look more like our former planet for a
smooth transition.  A "wmf1" package has been built and uploaded at

If you want to know more about "rawdog":


If you want to add your blog feed, feel free to upload changes or just drop
me a mail.

Bugs can be reported here:

Tickets are:  https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T180498 ,



Daniel Zahn <dz...@wikimedia.org>
Operations Engineer
Wikitech-l mailing list

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