I made a ticket for it to check which ones we may want and which we don't.


On Sat, Jun 2, 2018 at 10:12 PM, Sam Wilson <s...@samwilson.id.au> wrote:

> Good idea for some of them, but I'm not sure everyone wants to read the
> latest Stack Exchange and Reddit posts with random questions about
> MediaWiki. Although, it's not like the planet gets *all* that many posts a
> day at the moment, so perhaps it'd be okay?
> On 02/06/18 23:12, Daniel Zahn wrote:
>> Nice. Let's add these MediaWiki feeds to the en.planet feeds, assuming
>> they
>> are all English and since Mediawiki is like
>> a subgroup of Wikimedia.
>> On Sat, Jun 2, 2018 at 3:53 AM, Sam Wilson <s...@samwilson.id.au> wrote:
>> At the hackathon last week I had a play with setting up a similar thing
>>> just for MediaWiki feeds:
>>> https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/mediawiki-feeds/
>>> On 31/05/18 09:33, Daniel Zahn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> this is an announcement to let you know that the service ($lang).
>>>> planet.wikimedia.org, an RSS feed aggregator for all Wikimedia related
>>>> blogs, has switched software.
>>>> You can find the English version at  https://en.planet.wikimedia.org/
>>>> Other existing languages are listed on
>>>> https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Planet.wikimedia.org#Whi
>>>> ch_languages_exist
>>>> ?
>>>> Today we moved away from planet-venus and to a newer package called
>>>> "rawdog" that does the same thing as before, fetching a bunch of RSS
>>>> feed
>>>> and combining them into a single page and feed.
>>>> The reason is that planet-venus has been dropped in Debian stable
>>>> (stretch)
>>>> because it was unmaintained, so we had to find an alternative to be able
>>>> to
>>>> upgrade the underlying servers to a current OS version.
>>>> If you never heard of planet, here you can find more info:
>>>> https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Planet.wikimedia.org
>>>> If you already use it but just subscribe to the "feed of feeds" then
>>>> nothing should change for you.
>>>> (Though note that we support RSS 2.0 but not a separate Atom feed
>>>> anymore.
>>>> We are redirecting the old atom.xml URL to the new (and old) URL
>>>> rss20.xml.)
>>>> If you already use it and look at the web UI, enjoy the new theme that
>>>> Paladox imported from KDE to make it look about 150% better than before.
>>>> (thanks to him for that theming work!)
>>>> We also applied patches to make it look more like our former planet for
>>>> a
>>>> smooth transition.  A "wmf1" package has been built and uploaded at
>>>> https://apt.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/pool/main/r/rawdog/
>>>> If you want to know more about "rawdog":
>>>> https://offog.org/code/rawdog/
>>>> https://packages.debian.org/stretch/rawdog
>>>> If you want to add your blog feed, feel free to upload changes or just
>>>> drop
>>>> me a mail.
>>>> Bugs can be reported here:
>>>> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/413/
>>>> Tickets are:  https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T180498 ,
>>>> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T168490
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniel
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Daniel Zahn <dz...@wikimedia.org>
Operations Engineer
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