The 1.33.0-wmf.24 version of MediaWiki was successfully promoted to all
wikis today. Thanks to everyone who helped fix outstanding issues from last


On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 2:36 PM Dan Duvall <> wrote:

> The 1.33.0-wmf.24 version of MediaWiki remains blocked[0], holding at
> group0 pending resolution of the following issue:
> * RefreshLinksJob::runForTitle: transaction round 'RefreshLinksJob::run'
> already started on commons -
> Errors related to the issue were mitigated somewhat by a backported patch
> to the EventBus extension. However, the 90% drop in DBTransactionError
> rates still left us at a hefty ~ 800 errors per minute and the root cause
> is yet unknown.
> Thanks to everyone who is helping to resolve this week's issues!
> Just a note that since we are well outside today's train deployment window
> and we refrain from Friday deploys, any fixes for the outstanding issue can
> be deployed for group0 but promotion of 1.33.0-wmf.24 will be held until
> Monday.
> Kindly,
> Dan
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 2:29 PM Dan Duvall <> wrote:
>> The 1.33.0-wmf.24 version of MediaWiki is blocked[0].
>> The new version is deployed to group0[1], but can proceed no further
>> until these issues are resolved:
>> * Citoid should only usurp "<ref" / ctrl+shift+k shortcuts if full
>> configured -
>> * RefreshLinksJob::runForTitle: transaction round 'RefreshLinksJob::run'
>> already started on commons -
>> The first issue was deemed noncritical for group1 but the second caused a
>> large spike in DBTransactionError rates. The second issue already has a
>> proposed fix but had not yet merged at the closing of the train deployment
>> window.
>> If both issues are resolved by tomorrow's train window, group1 and group2
>> will be promoted in succession at that time (barring further issues).
>> Thank you for your help resolving these issues!
>> Your humble train toiler,
>> Dan
>> [0].
>> [1]. <>
>> --
>> Dan Duvall
>> Software Engineer, Release Engineering
>> Wikimedia Foundation <>
> --
> Dan Duvall
> Software Engineer, Release Engineering
> Wikimedia Foundation <>

Dan Duvall
Software Engineer, Release Engineering
Wikimedia Foundation <>
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