On Sat, 2019-04-13 at 14:43 +0100, Lewis Cawte via Wikitech-l wrote:
> Nice work! Certainly cleaner/more modern than the previous iteration.


> Just as a minor suggestion (I am by no means a designer) - could the text
> at the top of the page be changed to fill that space a bit, and be slightly
> more readable? Maybe slightly bigger font size? Not sure how it'd look,
> I've not mocked it up yet.

I'm not a designer either. :)
The exact size of 'unused' space depends on the skin and screen width.
In general, the larger the width the more 'unused' space, indeed.

Is there data which widths are common when visiting mediawiki.org in
desktop mode? If there are CSS tweaks to adjust font size depending on
width, please feel free to experiment with it!

Andre Klapper | Bugwrangler / Developer Advocate

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