For one of our custom wikis we have a Special Page that creates new pages based 
on form input. This used to work in MW1.23 but in the long overdue update to 
MW1.31 it stopped working.

The Special Page is supposed to write a record to a shared external database 
and then use the autoincremented row number to set the name of the page that 
will be created. I’m using $dbw->insert to do this. In 1.31 the autoincrement 
index gets bumped but the row doesn’t get written. If I do the same insert from 
a maintenance script, it works, so I’m assuming it doesn’t have anything to do 
with general configurations or other extensions (which I’ve inactivated).

After it gets a value for the lastInsertID it tries to make a page from a 
template. That page is never created and I see this in the error logs:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Wikimedia\\Rdbms\\DBUnexpectedError: 
Wikimedia\\Rdbms\\Database::close: mass commit/rollback of peer transaction 
required (DBO_TRX set). in 
[internal function]: 
call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array)\n#3 
on line 916, 
referer: http://localhost/omp/wiki/index.php/Special:StrainNewPage

This happens even if comment out the code that accesses the external database 
completely and hard code the ID. 

Other Special Page extensions we have that create new pages seem to work on 
1.31.1. I’m wondering if this is related to the method that now fails being a 
callback from HTMLforms for processing form submission.

Any insight, help in debugging this would be much appreciated. Apologies if I’m 
using some terminology incorrectly (I’m a biologist more than a coder).

Jim Hu
Wikitech-l mailing list

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