Hello all,

I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki Language Extension
Bundle 2019.04. This bundle is The bundle is compatible with MediaWiki
1.31 and 1.32 or above and requires PHP 5.5.9 or above.

Next MLEB is expected to be released in 3 months. If there are major
changes or important bug fixes, we will do intermediate release.
Please give us your feedback at

* Download: 
* sha256sum: 5fbbd39acd1cc0e1edbd542a390daf1992d1526134ceb69248cdb4dced58f3a9
* Signature: 

Quick links:
* Installation instructions are at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB
* Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list:
* Report bugs to: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/
* Talk with us at: #mediawiki-i18n @ Freenode

Release notes for each extension are below.

-- Kartik Mistry

== Highlights and upgrade notes ==

== Babel ==
* Maintenance and localization updates only.

== CleanChanges and cldr ==
* PHP entry point has been removed. Warning will be displayed for
deprecated PHP entry point. (T140007)
* Maintenance and localization updates.

== LocalisationUpdate ==
* Maintenance updates only.

== Translate ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Fixed fatal error on PageContentLanguage hook subscriber (T214358)
* Replaced usage of mw.translateHooks with mw.hook. Deprecation
warning will be shown while using functions under mw.translateHooks
* Added support for newer versions of the Elastica extension while
maintaining backward compatibility for older version REL 1.31
* Fixed page suggestion control on Special:PageMigration (T217726)
* Fixed broken Special:PageMigration (T217727)
* Add link to Special:PageMigration when page is marked for
translation (T178642)
* Removed display of the message group state for the source language (T160511)
* Fixed invalid display of priority language notice (T217046)
* Added better error handling in Special:SearchTranslations (T159221)
*Display proper notice when translations to non-priority languages are
blocked (T218777)
*Fixed "proofreading" status appearing for source language on the
MessageGroup and Language stats page (T160511)

== UniversalLanguageSelector ==
* Various performance fixes.
* Maintenance and localization updates.

==== Input Methods ====
* New tilde-based layouts for several languages of Africa: Kabyle,
Kabiye, Kikuyu, Luganda, Lingala, Malagasy, Northern Sotho, Koyraboro
Senni, Sango, Sotho, Venda.
* Added Latin Pinyin transliteration keyboard

==== Fonts ====
* Added fonts for Church Slavonic. (T156843)

Kartik Mistry | કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી

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