Hello everyone,
I'm excited to announce that we've released OOUI v0.32.0 yesterday.

Key highlights of this release (summarizing since v0.31.0):
 - DropdownInputWidgets now provide native OS menus on mobile.

 - Tabs are now also available in 'frameless' flavor and mobile
behaviour has been improved.
   Thanks to Ed Sanders for the work on that.

 - Several highly used icons saw another size-reduction effort by Thiemo Kreuz.
   Saving big in scale of our projects. Thanks Thiemo.

 - SelectFileWidget has seen a dozen improvements (a.o. supports
multiple file uploads and is available in PHP)

The demos have seen both, usability and navigation improvements as
result of work focus at Hackathon. Check them out![0]

Apart from above, there are also possible breaking changes in this release:
Please carefully consider if they affect your code.

 - SelectWidget: Drop depressed CSS class, which got deprecated in v0.30.4.

 - Toolbar: Remove support for non-tool buttons.

- Drop `web` icon, deprecated in v0.30.4, in this release
removed completely. Use 'browser' instead.

You can find details on additional new features, code-level and accessibility
changes, styling and interaction design amendments, and all
improvements since v0.31.0 in the full changelog[1].

If you have any further queries or need help dealing with breaking
changes, please let me know.

As always, interactive demos[0] and library documentation is available
on mediawiki.org[2], there is comprehensive generated code-level
documentation and interactive demos and tutorials hosted on

OOUI version: 0.32.0
MediaWiki version: 1.34.0-wmf.8
Date of deployment to production: Regular train, starting Tuesday 04 June

[0] - 
[1] - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/GOJU/browse/master/History.md
[2] - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI
[3] - https://doc.wikimedia.org/oojs-ui/master/


Senior UX Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation

volke...@wikimedia.org | @Volker_E

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