
We have started using the wikimedia-android-data-client library(
https://github.com/wikimedia/wikimedia-android-data-client) to make
mediawiki api calls in the Commons Android app, replacing the legacy
library that we were using previously. Most of the authenticated calls
(i.e. login, upload, nomination for deletion, thank, notifications etc)
made to Commons wiki are working with the new library, but we are stuck
with a cross-wiki call to Wikidata. We are trying to call
`Service:wbcreateclaim` to create a claim on Wikidata but the call is

We have posted relevant http logs at

We would greatly appreciate it if could take a look at the logs and suggest
what we might be doing wrong. Is it because of some issue with cookies?
Because as far as we can see, as expected we are sending the params in POST
request body with application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Relevant code:

Relevant method call: service.postCreateClaim(entityId, snaktype, property,
value, "en", csrfTokenClient getTokenBlocking())

Thank you so much!

Best regards,
Wikitech-l mailing list

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