Hi Jeroen,

I think you need to register a custom DM (DataModel)[1] and CE 
(ContentEditable)[2] node implementation for this extension tag inside 
VisualEditor to control their rendering and how the user can interact with 
them. Unfortunately, I am not sure if there is documentation (apart from the 
generated JSDoc) for these APIs, so I tend to refer to usage patterns in 
existing extensions when working with them. The Graph extension is an example 
of an extension that leverages these APIs to customise the behaviour of an 
extension tag that relies on JS libraries inside the VE.[3]

Hope this helps!

[1] https://doc.wikimedia.org/VisualEditor/master/#!/api/ve.dm.MWExtensionNode
[2] https://doc.wikimedia.org/VisualEditor/master/#!/api/ve.ce.MWExtensionNode

Máté Szabó 

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> On 4 Apr 2020, at 23:46, Jeroen De Dauw <jeroended...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> I am maintainer of the Maps extension for MediaWiki.
> https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps#maps
> Recently I worked on improving integration with Visual Editor. Maps used to
> not show up as a grey box [0] since their initialization JavaScript was not
> being run. I got things working but am not happy with the solution and hope
> there is a better approach.
> After some searching I found that if I ran the initialization code in a
> handler to the ve.activationComplete hook, the maps would get initialized
> as desired [1]. That is not a complete solution though, since you can edit
> the maps with Visual Editor [2]. This causes an API request that parses the
> new wikitext to HTML, which then replaces the old HTML of the initialized
> map. So initialization needs to happen again.
> An hour or two searching through the docs and Visual Editor code did not
> yield any usable hook/event. (This was quite surprising to me. Has no one
> ever done something similar to what I am doing here?) So I settled on just
> running initialization once every second with setInterval(). I found the
> ve.deactivationComplete hook which I then used to stop the code running
> every second on saving and existing the visual editor. Turns out that when
> opening the visual editor after that does not result in a new
> ve.activationComplete event, hence I had to remove termination of the
> repeating initialization.
> Surely there is a better way to run my code once per second (ad infinitum)
> starting with Visual Editor activation? The perfect event for my usecase
> would be "visual editor rendered a parser function". A broader event (ie
> "something got rendered") would still be better than nothing.
> You can see my current code here [3], including a few commented out bits
> which I left in so you can see some of what did not work.
> [0]
> https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/146040/78461765-18d15780-76cc-11ea-82cd-eb69d0179fd7.png
> [1]
> https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/146040/78461769-21299280-76cc-11ea-9461-a2c343062482.png
> [2]
> https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/146040/78461779-369ebc80-76cc-11ea-9495-33334a91a24a.png
> [3]
> https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps/blob/7.17.1/resources/leaflet/LeafletLoader.js#L24-L45
> Cheers
> --
> Jeroen De Dauw | www.EntropyWins.wtf <https://EntropyWins.wtf>
> Professional wiki hosting and services: www.Professional.Wiki
> <https://Professional.Wiki>
> Entrepreneur | Software Crafter | Open Source | Wikimedia | Speaker
> ~=[,,_,,]:3
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