This is the weekly TechCom board review. If there are additional topics for
TechCom to review, please let us know by replying to this email. However,
please keep discussion about individual RFCs to the Phabricator tickets.
This week, the meeting is async, so we'll be replying to the email as
well, *feel
free to join in*!

Activity since Wednesday 2020-11-25 on the following boards:

Committee inbox:

   - Automatically index extensions in Codesearch
   <> is still in the inbox, no
   activity since last week's discussion
   - Create WikiTeq group on Gerrit
   <> is now more clear (see note
   from Daniel <> to
   discuss, which we should do here)

Committee board activity:

   - General ParserCache service class for large "current" page-derived data
   <> was declined by Daniel, see
   his reasoning there

New RFCs: (none)

Phase progression: (none)

IRC meeting request: (none)

Other RFC activity:

   - RFC: Re-evaluate librsvg as SVG renderer for WMF wikis
   <> saw more conversation
   - RFC: Discourage use of MySQL's ENUM type
   <> Amir points out the need to
   overhaul all db documentation (I agree, could we have a doc sprint about
   this?) including policies
   - RFC: Amendment to the Stable interface policy, November 2020
   <> has a suggestion/question
   about clarifying default status and deprecation procedure
   - RFC: Store WikibaseQualityConstraint check data in persistent storage
   <> WMDE calls for help from
   TechCom and the Platform team to collaborate here.  See Adam Shorland's
   comment about putting it through the new Technical Decision Making Process
   - RFC: Expand API title generator to support other generated data
   <> Carly Bogen is asking for
   clarity on the need for a steward.  Timo's comment
   <> on the task indeed
   seem to contradict his note from last week's grooming email.  Timo, would
   you please clarify.
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