The minutes from TechCom's triage meeting on 16 December 2020.

Present:  Daniel K., Tim S., Timo T.
Create WikiTeq group on Gerrit

   - Approved.
   - TechCom to amend the policy to add the exemption.
   - Gerrit admins to create the group and explain that they can decide who
   to be added, but that Phab tickets will be required still.

RFC: Expand API title generator to support other generated data

   - Matthias has proposed wording for the API policy.
   - Put on Last Call until Jan 6.

RFC: Introduce PageIdentity to be used instead of WikiPage.

   - Daniel to document concern about adopting false advertisement.
   - Daniel to add some kind of intermediary Local-only interface to adopt
   first, then on Last Call until Jan 6.

RFC: Drop support for older database upgrades

   - Looks good to go, but we already have two RFCs on Last Call.
   - Expected to go on Last Call in January.

Upcoming holidaysThere will also be no TechCom triage meeting on 23
December and 30 December due to holidays. The next triage and review will
be in the week of 6 January 2021. Next week IRC office hours

No IRC discussion scheduled for next week.

You can also find our meeting minutes at

-- Timo

On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:49 PM Niklas Laxström <>

> This is the weekly TechCom board review in preparation of our meeting on
> Wednesday. If there are additional topics for TechCom to review, please let
> us know by replying to this email. However, please keep discussion about
> individual RFCs to the Phabricator tickets.
> Activity since Tuesday 2020-12-08 on the following boards:
> Committee inbox: (none)
> Committee board activity:
>    - T42787 <> Remove legacy ajax
>    interface
>       - I moved from Inbox to Watching
>    - T267213 <> Create WikiTeq
>    group on Gerrit
>    - Kizule is asking for an update.
>       - It seems there are two things to do: create the group and update
>       the policy.
> New RFCs: (none)
> Phase progression: (none)
> IRC meeting request: (none)
> Other RFC activity:
>    - T263841 <> RFC: Expand API
>    title generator to support other generated data
>    - There is a new proposal text. Please comment.
>    - T259771 <>: RFC: Drop
>    support for database upgrade older than two LTS releases.
>    - Discussion on the task. To me it looks mostly in favor or commenting
>       that some of the problems are not fully solved by this proposal.
>    - T268326 <> RFC: Amendment
>    to the Stable interface policy (November 2020)
>    - Feedback given about the proposed 3 month minimum period
>    - T119173 <>: RFC: Discourage
>    use of MySQL's ENUM type.
>    - Amir showed how to automatically generate on-wiki documentation for
>       tables.
>    - T133452 <>: RFC: Create
>    temporary accounts for anonymous editors.
>    - Many comments after Tim proposed to use cloaks (see his comment in
>       the task for details)
>    - T214362 <>: RFC: Store
>    WikibaseQualityConstraint check data in persistent storage.
>    - Krinkle asked for clarifications. Lucas responded with a comment and
>       Lydia offered to have it explained in a call.
>    - T208776 <>: RFC: Introduce
>    PageIdentity to be used instead of WikiPage.
>    - Krinkle and Daniel discuss implementation details in context of
>       what's best for type safety, clarity and migration.
>   -Niklas
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