Hi all!

Here's the summary of Wednesday's TechCom meeting. Due to the holidays, there
wasn't much activity, but ther eare a few Last Calls to close, and a couple of
new ones.

Present:  Daniel K, Tim S, Timo T, Kate C.

    RFC: Expand API title generator to support other generated data




    T263841 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T263841>RFC: Expand API title
    generator to support other generated data


    At end of last call, Accepted (pending finalization per mail, due to lack of
    quorum in the meeting)

    RFC: Introduce PageIdentity to be used instead of WikiPage


    T208776 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T208776>RFC: Introduce
    PageIdentity to be used instead of WikiPage


    Some discussion on names since last meeting


    TT has outstanding concerns about migration and getWikiId()


    Keep open for another week.

    RFC: Drop support for older database upgrades




    Move to last call

    RFC: Amendment to the Stable interface policy (November 2020)




    Move to last call

    Amend RFC process to allow for three last calls




    TechCom is seeking to immediately amend the process such that three RFCs can
    be on last call (rather than just two). Today's meeting did not have quorum
    attendance, so this motion will be decided on asynchronously, and adopted by
    next week if consensus is reached.

Daniel Kinzler
Principal Software Engineer, Core Platform
Wikimedia Foundation

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