
This email contains updates for January 27, 2021




   - Search is blocked by [Analytics] merge of the side-output schema and
   wikimedia-event utilities https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T270371 /

No updates

   - Community Tech, Anti-Harassment Tools, Editing, iOS native app,
   Android native app

*No notes provided*

   - Growth, Parsing, Language, Inuka, Cloud Services, Fundraising Tech,
   Platform, Quality and Test Engineering, Security


   - Updates:
      - Page Previews is now requesting larger thumbnails to fix blurry
      thumbnails on low-DPR screens:
      https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T272169 (see patch:

Product Infrastructure

   - Updates:
      - Client-side error logging was enabled on enwiki:

Structured Data

   - Updates:
      - Preparing for security review or MediaSearch UI, which will be
      moved into a separate extension
      - Focus on tackling remaining blockers for a wider release of
      - Figuring out how to wire up the MediaSearch elastic queries into a
      Learning To Rank machine learning model

Abstract Wikipedia

   - Updates:
      - Vue refactoring to align our code with emerging standards
      continues; thanks to Vue team!
      - Thanks to Daniel for advice on how our code may want to change to
      be closer to Platform future plans, and forthcoming meetings to explore
      - Still working on programmatic type management.
      - Community contest to select the logo concept for Wikifunctions is
      currently running; ideas welcome!


   - Updates:
      - Starting work on setting up an exception logging service (Glitchtip)
      - Added a new partner in the Library Bundle
      - Starting a bug fix that will prevent being spammed by The Wikipedia
      Library Extension


   - Updates:
      - Working on ES6 minification for ResourceLoader.
      - [Probably other updates James doesn't know about.]


   - Updates:
      - The machines for our backup Hadoop cluster are racked, we are
      setting them up, testing them, and moving backup data to them.
After that,
      we'll be able to move forward with cluster migration to BigTop.
      - We continue with the EventLogging legacy schema migration to
      - Working on calculation of session length metric.
      - We improved HDFS data security through better conventions on user
      groups and permits.
      - We're finalizing the corrections to canonical pageview dumps.

Engineering ProductivityPerformance

   - Updates:
      - Kobiton has provided disappointing service for our mobile device
      lab, we're going to do a trial with Bitbar
      - Published two short videos on officewiki:
         - Why web performance matters at Wikimedia https://w.wiki/w7z
         - The role of the Performance Team https://w.wiki/w7$
      - Speaking tomorrow in French and English at We Love Speed:

Release Engineering

   - Updates:
      - [All] Deployments/Covid-19
      - Train Health
         - Last week: 1.36.0-wmf.27 phab:T271341
         - This week: 1.36.0-wmf.28 phab:T271342
         - Next week: 1.36.0-wmf.29 phab:T271342

Search Platform

   - Blocked by:
      - [Analytics] merge of the side-output schema and wikimedia-event
      utilities https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T270371 /
   - Blocking:
      - N/A
   - Updates:
      - Failing HTTP check on WDQS servers after latest deployment -
      - SPARQL-Query shows entries, which should be filter out; number of
      entries in result set might change when executed repeatedly (possible
      caching/indexing problem) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T267175
      - Extract a list of the 200 most viewed black historical figures from
      WDQS -https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T272447

Site Reliability Engineering

   - Updates:
      - similar-users, linkrecommendation services exposing to internal
      services being finalized this week.


   - Updates:
      - No significant movement on PHP 8.0 this week.
      - LibraryUpgrader is bumping all reports to eslint-config-wikimedia
      0.18.0, which has proper JSON linting support
         - There are some speed issues on very long JSON files, so we
         worked with upstream to avoid this, and have released 0.18.1
with said fix
         just now.
         - If your repo doesn't get a patch automatically, it's probably
         because LibraryUpgrader errors on your repo. We'll fix these
manually (or
         file Phab tasks), but if you want to do it ahead of us, we
won't complain.
         You can see the dashboard of such repos here:


deb tankersley (she/her)

senior program manager, engineering

Wikimedia Foundation
Wikitech-l mailing list

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