On Tue, 11 Jan 2022 at 12:17, Chico Venancio <chicocvenan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do not think our goal is to get it done **by paid WMF staff**, but it is 
> also true that today that is the only viable alternative to get major 
> technical work done. I do not think it is entirely fair to state that "status 
> quo can be changed by just about anyone who is motivated to do so (...)  just 
> by doing the work". It is not a lack of motivation that hinders our movement 
> technically, but a lack of resources and shared governance.

As someone who has tried to contribute using some of my "Covid time",
and who will shortly be going back to real work, it's also deeply
frustrating if you cannot meaningfully contribute incrementally, but
run into a lack of interest in engaging with issues. If someone has
come along with even a half-decent bug report, it's possible that that
represents about an hour or so of work: detecting the bug, isolating
it, creating a Phab account, writing the report all take time. An hour
of time is actually a lot for someone who commutes to a 9 to 5, let
alone someone with family.

Now, if that person wants to _fix_ the bug, it took me, very
roughly[1], three working days to get to a position where I could even
run Mediawiki locally with the right extensions in Docker[2], figure
out the code, find out enough about PHP to make a change, actually
make the changes, and propose a patch for a simple issue, and respond
to the inevitable CI issues because you can't get the tests to work
locally. If I had been doing that in the time between getting home
from the office and making dinner, that's a month of work, and would
replace all my other interests into the bargain. It's _also_
frustrating when you then get the patch -1'd because you tried to
follow existing code, but that's actually old and busted and you
should use the new hotness that everyone inside the engineering team
might know, but is highly non-obvious to a person who only cloned the
repo on Monday. Every review response or rebase also takes a good
chunk of time, especially if the patch has "gone cold". And then
there's a good chance your it just rots on Gerrit anyway until you
have moved on with your life.

I think (making stuff up alert) a reason people want the WMF to help
here is not just because they collect more than the GDP of Nauru[3]
per year on the implication that they it supports the wikis, but also
because they actually employ people specifically because they _do_
know how to do this stuff effectively, and what is a month of
sacrificed hobbies for one poor sap is half an hour for them. That's a
hell of a force multiplier if there was just slack in the engineering
to allow it. Teach a man to fish and tomorrow he might help you repair
your jetty. Expect a man to figure out how to mine iron for fish hooks
on his own and reverse engineer a fishing rod, and he'll be hungry for
a good while and your jetty is going to stay broken if he wanders off
in search of something other than fish to eat.

Now, sure, you can say "well it's not the WMF's fault that you have a
job/family/commute/other hobbies/a herd of depressed pet llamas in
constant need of hugs, is it?" and yes, you are right, they don't
officially _owe_ anyone anything. However, it's also a shame to
completely write off the ability of llama-owners to contribute, unless
they're willing to put in more time or effort than very many people
have to spare. Honestly, if I hadn't had Covid time, I would have
given up on any patch after the first several hours and just walked
away[4]. And that would have been a shame for me (I'll let others
decide if it would be a shame for the software!)

So I guess the tl;dr here is that actually a relatively small amount
of care[5] from the WMF can multiply the effectiveness of outside
contributions greatly. Those contributions, in turn, can magnify the
ability of the Communities themselves to Get Content Done[6]. And
that's the aim here, is it not? We're all on the same side!


[1] I mean, what did time even mean in 2021, anyway?!
[2] Since then, Docker has gotten better, though I still can't get
Phan to work with any regularity, and it doesn't really feel like any
"staff" developers actually use the method described in
CONTRIBUTING.md to run up MediaWiki very often.
[3] Yes, really. To be fairrrr, it's a very small island.
[4] In fact, before Covid, I tried to do some patches and did exactly
that, more than once.
[5] Developer Advocacy is a team that exists, but at least in my
personal experience, I have never actually encountered it, except for
bug wrangling.
[6] Perfect example: ProofreadPage is pretty much entirely non-core
tech and yet has facilitated almost all work on Wikisource for a
decade. I'm not sure such a system could be written and deployed
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