Sounds good, thanks!

בתאריך יום ו׳, 5 במאי 2023, 18:48, מאת Adam Baso ‏<>:

> Hi Amir,
> The Page Content Service ("PCS") is the currently supported service, it's
> the legacy deprecated Mobile Content Service ("MCS") that is going away in
> July 2023. I don't think those messages should be affected as they're part
> of PCS, but I'll flag for attention with folks supporting the Android app
> and ask for their guidance in case there's an use of shared messages
> between the old versions of the app and the new versions of the app, and
> will update the list if I'm mistaken.
> Thank you!
> -Adam
> On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 9:39 AM Amir E. Aharoni <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the notification!
>> Is this related to the messages that are translated as part of the "Page
>> Content Service" project? Some of them are displayed in very prominent
>> places.
>> Here's a list of translatable messages:
>> And here's the source repo:
>> Is that the one that's being decommissioned? And if it is, will the
>> translations still be necessary anywhere, or will they become obsolete?
>> Or is it something unrelated?
>> בתאריך יום ד׳, 22 במרץ 2023, 11:46, מאת Adam Baso ‏<>:
>>> TL;DR: The legacy Mobile Content Service is going away in July 2023.
>>> Please switch to Parsoid or another API before then to ensure service
>>> continuity.
>>> Hello World,
>>> I'm writing about a service decommission we hope to complete mid-July
>>> 2023. The service to be decommissioned is the legacy Mobile Content Service
>>> ("MCS"), which is maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation's Content
>>> Transform Team. We will be marking this service as deprecated soon.
>>> We hope that with this notice, people will have ample time to update
>>> their systems for use of other endpoints such as Parsoid [1] (n.b., MCS
>>> uses Parsoid HTML).
>>> The MCS endpoints are the ones with the relative URL path pattern
>>> /page/mobile-sections* on the Wikipedias. For examples of the URLs see the
>>> "Mobile" section on the online Swagger (OpenAPI) specification
>>> documentation with matching URLs here:
>>> == History ==
>>> The Mobile Content Service ("MCS") is the historical aggregate service
>>> that originally provided support for the article reading experience on the
>>> Wikipedia for Android native app, as well as some other experiences. We
>>> have noticed that there are other users of the service. We are not able to
>>> determine all of the users, as it's hard to tell with confidence from the
>>> web logs.
>>> The Wikimedia Foundation had already  transitioned the Wikipedia for
>>> Android and iOS apps to the newer Page Content Service ("PCS") several
>>> years ago. PCS has some similarities with MCS in terms of its mobility
>>> focus, but it also has different request-response signatures in practice.
>>> PCS, as with MCS, is intended to primarily satisfy Wikimedia
>>> Foundation-maintained user experiences only, and so this is classified with
>>> the "unstable" moniker.
>>> == Looking ahead ==
>>> Generally, as noted in the lead, we recommend that folks who use MCS (or
>>> PCS, for that matter) switch over to Parsoid for accessing Wikipedia
>>> article content programmatically for the most predictable service.
>>> The HTML produced by Parsoid has a versioned specification [2] and
>>> because Parsoid is accessed regularly by a number of components across the
>>> globe tends to have fairly well cached responses. However, please note that
>>> Parsoid may be subject to stricter rate limits that can apply under certain
>>> traffic patterns.
>>> At this point, I do also want to note that in order to keep up with
>>> contemporary HTML standards, particularly those favoring accessibility and
>>> machine readability enhancements, Parsoid HTML will undergo change as we
>>> further converge parsing stacks [3]. Generally, you should expect iteration
>>> on the Parsoid HTML spec, and of course as you may have come to appreciate
>>> that the shape of HTML in practice can vary nontrivially wiki-by-wiki as
>>> practices across wikis vary.
>>> You may also want to consider Wikimedia Enterprise API options, which
>>> range from no cost to higher volume access paid options.
>>> == Forking okay, but not recommended ==
>>> Because MCS acts as a service aggregate and makes multiple backend API
>>> calls, caveats can apply for those subresources - possibility of API
>>> changes, deprecation, and the like. We do not recommend a plain fork of MCS
>>> code because of the subresource fetch behavior. This said, of course you
>>> are welcome to fork in a way compatible with MCS's license.
>>> == Help spread the word ==
>>> Although we are aware of the top two remaining consumers of MCS, we also
>>> are not sure who else is accessing MCS and anticipate that some downstream
>>> tech may break when MCS is turned off. As we are cross-posting this
>>> message, we hope most people who have come to rely upon MCS will see this
>>> message. Please feel free to forward this message to contacts if you know
>>> they are using MCS.
>>> == Help ==
>>> Although we intend to decommission MCS in July 2023, we would like to
>>> share resources if you need some help. We plan to hold office hours in case
>>> you would like to meet with us to discuss this or other Content Transform
>>> Team matters. We will host these events on Google Meet. We will provide
>>> notice of these office hours on the wikitech-l mailing list in the coming
>>> weeks and months.
>>> Additionally, if you would like to discuss your MCS transition plans,
>>> please visit the Content Transform Team talk page:
>>> Finally, some Content Transform Team members will also be at the
>>> Wikimedia Hackathon [4] if you would like some in-person support.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Adam Baso (he/him/his/Adam), on behalf of the Content Transform Team
>>> Director of Engineering
>>> Wikimedia Foundation
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
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