
The trouble is that openssl has 2 different way for building MSWindows/gcc libraries
- one via Configure+make;
the second via mingw32.bat.

. . . the more-or-less official openssl Win32 binaries distribution (see http://www.openssl.org/related/binaries.html) contains also
mingw/gcc *.a libraries - however named: libeay32.a + ssleay32.a  . . .

Well . . .

We will go step by step:

The practical question: .dll / .lib files from 64bit_openssl-1.0.0d-bin_20110507.zip build via Configure + make? Or with mingw32.bat? Or copy from "openssl Win32 binaries distribution"?

Question N2: where to download / get / take openssl.cnf for OpenSSL from * _20110507.zip?

Best regards, Victor Miasnikov
Blog: http://vvm.blog.tut.by/

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