On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 04:56:50PM +0200, mark dufour wrote:
> the following code is now used here to draw a line:
>       TSXDrawLine(display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc,
>                         dc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dc, dc->w.CursPosX ),
>                         dc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dc, dc->w.CursPosY ),
>                         dc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dc, x ),
>                         dc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dc, y ) );  
> where
> #define XLPTODP(dc,x) \
>     (MulDiv(((x)-(dc)->wndOrgX), (dc)->vportExtX, (dc)->wndExtX) +
> (dc)->vportOrgX)
> #define YLPTODP(dc,y) \
>     (MulDiv(((y)-(dc)->wndOrgY), (dc)->vportExtY, (dc)->wndExtY) +
> (dc)->vportOrgY)                

Please before we start optimizing can we at least make it work
correctly :) All of these XLPTODP all completely broken if we have a
world transform set up that involves anything less trivial than a
translate/scale.  We're going to end up using something like LPtoDP
here instead.  By all means optimize, all I'm saying is that this
stuff is going to change soon anyway.


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