Hi everyone,

As a couple of you may have already heard, I've decided to leave Corel 
to start a new software company.  I can't talk about what I'm going to
be up to yet, but people here will certainly be among the first to 
know when the time comes.

I'll certainly still be involved in WINE - and I'll be contributing 
directly to the main tree from now on, rather than indirectly through 
the Corel tree.  I'll probably also spend some time on patch-merging
my work from the Corel tree (the stuff that's not FontTastic dependant
anyway). 8-)

In the meantime, if anyone wants to get in touch with me, my non-Corel
email address is: 


Tuesday was my last day at Corel, so I expect that '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
will bounce as of now.  (I tried to send this out on Tuesday, actually,
but Corel's mail server didn't seem to like talking to winehq.com for 
some reason...)

Take care,

Gavriel State
Gainfully Unemployed Guy

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