At 03:06 PM 7/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
>This patch should solve the splash screen problem you're experiencing. Let
>me know if it works.

It works very well  for all 32 bits program I have thrown at it. 
Not a glitch. Great work :-)

Results are less good for 16 bits programs; for example, the calendar
of win3.11. When opening a modal window and moving it before the
main window, sometimes small areas are not repainted.

I have tried the obvious fix of putting the wm_syncpaint code in
the general message handling (common to 16 and 32 bits) but to
no avail.

Also, I have checked after removing the patch and compiling, the
problem disappears and the areas behind the modal dialog box are
repainted always, so it's not another problem that nobody had seen
But I have no time to debug it for any long time before next week-end

Also, a small problem : the patch add another warning to an already
long list :

fixme:msg:SendNotifyMessageA (0f34,00000088,00000000,00000000) not complete

I am not sure about it; at first I had thought it needed to be implemented,
now I feel that the warning should be nixed because the implementation
is perfect as it is; anyone cares to comment ?


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