I notice that the UK keyboard layout has some minor errors in it.  The key
to left of the 1 key is defined as having only the character, ` back-quote
defined.  However on all my keyboards shift this key is the 

¬ key (a minux
with a tail at the right) and alt-gr of that key is a solid vertical bar |
(shift \ is a broken vertical bar ¦).  This seems to want a fix to the
windows/x11drv/keyboard.c module, but I just wondered if there was a
particular reason for the ommision before I proposed a patch.

I also found when running the Lotus Notes client (which now runs almost
perfectly since the introduction of Winsock2 and more OLE stuff, although I
am convinced that this error is not Notes specific) that when I tried to
use a left-tab I got the following error messages:--

err:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_ToAscii Please report: no char for keysym FE20

I am looked at windows/x11drv/keyboard.c, but the nearest table stops short
of FE20.  Do I need to extend both special_key_vkey and special_key_scan,
or is there another table that needs to be filled in.  Also I notice that
VK_TAB is defined as being scan code 0x0F, is this state related and if so
how does that change which table is used?

I am running with the 20000716 drop of the code

The only other keyboard related thing that I have noticed with Notes is
that if I use Alt-F4 to close Notes it does not close, but if I use the
menu or the window close icon it does.  Could this be related to the
SetConsoleCtrlHandler messages I get (there are two at the start of the
app, and another two at the end).  I am not quite sure what these calls are
suppose to do (I have no W32 docs), but reading the code the handlers do
not actually appear to be used although they are recorded.

The other thing I had to do to get Notes (I am running 5.0.3 currently)
running as smoothly as it is currently, is to rename the program
nhldaemn.exe to nhldaemn.exe.old so that it does not get run.  Looking at
the Strings in the exe I can not for the lifeof me see what this daemon is
supposed to do, but if it is present it locks the client solid once it has
been started (this only started to be a problem when you added the multiple
address space support, prior to that the daemon failed to load anyway so
the problem never arose.  Is there a way in the debugmsg code of
specifiying that only messages from a given EXE should be traced, otherwise
tracking what this does will be a little like finding a needle in a

The other thing that still does not work with the Notes is file attachments
(attaching and detaching them), but one of these days I will try turning on
all the tracing and seeing what seems to be happening here.  This one has
to be avoided for now as it kills the Notes client.

For now though I am happily talking from the Notes client running under
WINE to a server running the native Linux code.



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