
i´ve got some problems with the display of Metafiles and Enhanced Metafiles
(*.EMF and *.WMF). Does anyone know whether this should work generally or
not ?

And here are my major problems:
- the EnhMetaHeader of the Metafile (*.WMF) won´t be read correctly. I got
some values in the type and size-members, but nothing in the dimensions or
the device-Informations. This leads to a crash in the
EnumEnhMetaFile-Function (\object\enhmetafile.c) when the dimensions are
calculated (div by zero).
(i put some Debug-Outputs in the wine-source to display the Header-Infos)
- with an EMF-File everything seems correctly, but nothing is displayed. I
got some FIXMEs: Type xx is not implemented

Running the test-apps with windows, everything is fine.

Is there anyone who could help me (or perhaps i can support him) to fix
parts of wine (my company tries to distribute a standard app for linux, but
this app depends heavily on the display of the Metafiles).

Andreas Klein

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