James Hatheway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I don't think your patch is causing these problems.  I have these two same

Balsam for my soul...

>problems in the app that I am debugging, without your patch applied.
>(I get this problem with KDE 1.1.2)  For me, when the app starts up
>it has a normal rectangular window and only has the close button.  When
>a region is applied to its window with SetWindowRgn(), and then
>a normal rectangular window is restored with a SetWindowRgn() and a
>NULL region, the window doesn't have a system menu or the close button.

... but I really see this only with my patch.

>I don't have time to look at this bug at the moment, unfortunately.  I just
>thought I'd let you know that I don't think your patch is the actual cause
>of the problem.

I just hope, that this mystery bug will be fixed by the joint efforts.


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