At 02:17 AM 10/23/00 +0200, you wrote:
>On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, gerard patel wrote:
>> I have such a nasty doubt suddenly : has anyone ever checked if really the 
>> message is sent first to the parent, and after to its children ? It would be as
>> logical to begin first with the children, then after that the parent.
>Yes, sort of. Try looking at my documentation/gui, the "Destruction of a
>modal dialog (32)" case. In real windows, the dialog's parent (MSWord main
>window?) is activated (and hence focused) even before the dialog itself
>receives WM_DESTROY. Although I haven't checked exactly when the children
>are destroyed in this sequence, it does not matter for this since the
>focus is apparently changed explicitly before they do anyway.

Yes I checked this morning and the Wine message order is correct, so it
leaves only the fact that hiding the window before destroying it is not enough
to remove the focus it seems.


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