On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, Brian Vincent (C) wrote:

> - Right now my ISP at home is really messed up.
> At least in the short term I'll be doing a lot
> of this at work.  Unfortunately that means I'll
> be mostly using Hypermail archives and some
> really editing methods.  I won't be subscribed
> to the list, but I'll gladly receive email at
> the address below.

Hmm. Is it that good an idea to have a WWN editor that doesn't really
subscribe (not even to the digest edition)? Or is the lack of subscription
only temporary?

> - Unfortunately that also means I don't have CVS
> access right now.  At some point I'd like to get
> WWN going again, but it might be several weeks.

That long?

> - Also, I always like the CVS commit summary,
> who used to write that?

That would be me. I'm subscribed to and read everything on wine-cvs...

> - My technical skills are not nearly as good as
> Eric's.  So some of my summaries might be a 
> little off.  Hopefully I'll get better over time.

The last couple of months I used to peer-review his articles before he
published (coordinated on #WineHQ on IRC). A few errors were caught that
way. It might still work for someone else...

> - IMHO, these updates are a great PR tool for the
> project.  Screenshots, product reviews, and news
> stories about Wine are very helpful.  I'd 
> encourage all of you to send me any news like this.
> I'll definitely include it.

OK, maybe you'll get further than we did... although we wanted to have
stuff like that, we never got sufficient user contributions, and I and
Eric were not equipped to do ourselves all the research the users
requested (we don't own all the software that users wanted to know how to
run). A different project to provide things like this used to be underway,
though, in the form of a community message board, which Adam Sacarny was
coding. I haven't seen him for a while, though, hmm... maybe we could get
someone like that linux-half-life fella to do it instead?

> - Along those same lines, in the future I'll
> probably setup a screenshots page or something like
> that.

Already done, there's screenshot links on community.shtml.

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