At 10:30 AM 20/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:

>The lower 6 bits are the new floating point exception masks. Mine are
>all set and yours are cleared, therefore the crash.
>Why that is the case, I haven't got a clue.

I'm not sure I followed everything, but it could come from a problem that
occurred a lot of time before, no? The bits could be already cleared on entry of the 
If the exception handling bits are cleared and the app don't do anything with floating 
nothing will break, AFAICT. If this is the case a way could be to patch the code to
print the mask with every +relay operation.

BTW, I wonder if Dmitry has done some classic tricks like

- getting a fresh tree from Winehq
- compiling everything with -O0
- trying the same app on another computer with a (as much as possible) different


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