At 08:35 AM 1/11/02 -0600, Paul Clarke wrote:
>My attempt to convince you otherwise:
>Paul Clarke, IBM

Good, so it really seems that IBM is commited to Linux. Now my question is, 
would it be too much to ask IBM to spend 1% of that 1 billion for Linux on 
WINE? Of course we are assuming that a full-featured WINE would DRASTICALLY 
increase the success of Linux. This would be in accordance with:
"...with a shared vision of making Linux succeed." quote 

If the assumption is true I think those 10 Million would be the best spent 
part of that 1 Billion.
Paul, do you know the people in charge of the Linux sponsoring? How about 
talking to them about this idea? It would be interesting to hear what they 
say. Maybe they even don't know about the WINE project...

Just my 0.000 000 001$


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