On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Perhaps I screwed up the blocking semantics of non-overlapped IO.
> That's what it looks like to me.

I can't make sense out of these traces. The numbers of bytes transferred
are different, but you were transferring different data.
The general pattern of function calls and messages is very similar
with and without the patch. Especially the error patterns are similar.

If the connection is sluggish anyway, the increased overhead
through two more function calls should be negligible. Blocking shouldn't
be an issue since the sockets seem to be nonblocking ones.

The app seems to be using WSAAsyncSelect() and WS_ioctlsocket() a lot,
perhaps my patch conflicts with those. I can't think of a reason, though,
because the app is doing everything synchronously.

Honestly I don't know how to proceed from here. Obviously I should do some
testing of my own before reposting.

Can you recommend me a few (16 and 32 apps) Winsock apps that are freely
downloadable and reported to run under Wine? Juno seems to be bound
to a certain provider, so I'd rather not go for that one now.

If you have time, a simultaneous tcpdump might clarify things a bit.
But I guess I need to rework my stuff before I send out others for testing

> I sent this by juno 4 without trace:

That means nothing because I didn't touch the sending code :-(

> The app reported it failed to fetch my mail, try again later.
> I tried again with a winsock trace, and it succeeded, producing socks.gz

Did you try without trace once or several times?

Thanks again for you efforts,

Btw I don't think I can help with the serial app. I see no indication
    that overlapped IO plays a role there.

Martin Wilck                Phone: +49 5251 8 15113
Fujitsu Siemens Computers   Fax:   +49 5251 8 20409
Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-33106 Paderborn           http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/primergy

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