Hello All,

I was trying to do a test of my Wine install, which is the latest
stable release, by starting up 2 different instances of Wine and
StarOffice 6.0 Beta for Windows as 2 different users.

what I have found is that the the first user running Wine SO6.0 will
start up just fine and even run with no problems. The second test
user can also start up the application but within just a few seconds
it freezes and I can do nothing.

Each test user has a complete directory structure for the windows to
run and I am not using any of the real windows stuff, just that which
came with wine.

I also find that the first user application can still run.

Is there something going on with the shared libraries of Wine and the
wine server?

Best regards,

 Lonnie Cumberland
 OutStep Technologies Incorporated

 The Basis Express Virtual Office
 Data Backup and Recovery Services

 URL: http://www.basis-express.com

"The Virtual Office without boundaries!!!"

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