On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 07:09:52PM +0200, Tels wrote:
> Moin,
> I want to learn more about the directx and general windows APIs. Now
> I looked at some books, but was very unsure as to buy what and where, if
> ever.
> First, it seems that good books about these topics come from Microsoft
> Press. Naturally I don't want to support them ;)
> Second, it seems that you need for the examples and SDK Visual C++ - again
> from MS. Eeek!
> And of course, you have to run and use it under Windows *sigh*
> I am also worried about the different EULAs, licence and all that other
> stuff "tainting" me - even though I do believe that all of this stuff isn't
> legal binding for me anyway. But you never know.
> So, my question: Where can I obtain *free* information about the API's,
> their working etc. What do you use? Books you can advise?

That's where I get quite some information from.

Apart from that, mostly web searches and my pretty good collection of
books (it's starting to extend to 1 meter of expert windows books now :-)

Andreas Mohr                        Stauferstr. 6, D-71272 Renningen, Germany
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