
I have been reading,


in order to understand how to communicate with a windows odbc driver
from linux.  I have a working windows setup for connecting to a remote
synergex database with ODBC drivers they provided.  What I would like to do
is be able to access the DSN provided by this ODBC driver via wine.

The examples I've read seem to be the opposite of what I want to do.

I have looked at dlls/odbc32/proxyodbc.c and it seems to hook unixodbc
into wine as the Driver Manager.  But I don't know what makes sense to
put into the /etc/odbc.ini or /etc/odbcinst.ini or perhaps
.wine/fake-windows/ODBC.INI .wine/fake-windows/ODBCINST.INI for the
DSN provided from within wine.

Is this possible.  Has anybody done this before?

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