I have some spare time, so I'll see what I can get done today.  I will only be 
able to test on Solaris, so someone will need to test my patch on Linux.

Gregg Mattinson
Co-op Developer
Sun Microsystems of Canada

>From: Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Francois Gouget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: solaris configure strangness
>Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:09:07 +0300
>Francois Gouget wrote:
>>So to have a clean configure, the above header must be moved out of the
>>big AC_CHECK_HEADERS and into their individual checks where we can
>>specifically test for these dependencies. See for instance XShm.h (only
>>a vague quide).
>I'll try, but I only have solaris machines at work, and this is far from 
>my main focus on Wine (I'm working on BiDi, if you remeber correctly 
>;-). I am only looking into solaris at all because at work we use some 
>windows compat library for solaris (don't remeber the name, but it 
>wasn't mainsoft's) for the GUI part of the product. I am sprinkling the 
>idea to the Unix GUI team here to check Wine out.
>The response so far has been moderetely positive. (using those compat 
>libraries incures a non-trivial per-seat license that goes to MS, as 
>well as horrible support. They have been complaining that response time 
>on one incident was ONE YEAR!!!! and the idea of having the sources to 
>the library itself were appealing to them). The main problem was that it 
>would take over two days of effort just looking into it, and they cannot 
>spare the time.
>I just D/L the CVS to see what it would take. I am also not an autoconf 
>expert. If I have more spare time at work, I will have a look at that. 
>If not, I'd rather spend my Wine dev time trying to figure out how the 
>fr1661n6 h377 one is supposed to go about implementing the humoungous 
>monster that is GetCharacterPlacement without creating a 500 lines function.
>                    Shachar

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